Registration form

CC-POP GHANA 2019: Online Registration Form

12 – 14 November 2019

University of Ghana
Accra, Ghana
Phone: +233 (0) 547 836 283



    Professional Designations

    Institution / Company

    Mailing Address

    City/ town



    Type of Profession
    IndustrialistResearcherPractitionerTeaching / AcademiaOther

    Meeting Information

    Moderation - Would You Like to Moderate or Chair a Session?

    Area of Expertise (Please tick all that apply)
    PolicyIndustrySocial ScienceBiophysical Science InterdisciplinaryOther (specify)

    Membership of Professional Bodies
    Are You a Member of a Professional Society? If Yes Which?
    Please ignore if you chose NO

    Registration Fees......................Author (October 11, 2019)(Deemed registered only when full registration fees is paid. There will be NO on-site registration for authors)
    Non-African Passport Holders .....US$200Ghanaian Passport Holders (non-students).....US$120Other African Passport Holders (non-students) .....US$200Non-presenting students (ID required) .....US$100Presenting students less than 30 years (ID required).....FREEPresenting students – 30 years & above (ID required)........US$80

    Carbon Offset Fee(Optional) = GH¢30 (Your travel to this meeting has resulted in the emission of Greenhouse Gases from Transport and other Consumptive Activities such as Food and use of Electricity so we want you to be Part of a project that reduces Emissions)Donations to Enable Less Privileged Participants from the South to Attend. You will be contacted

    Payment Method
    Kindly scan and upload proof of payment
    Bank TransferElectronic/ Online (Visa Card Only)Wire Transfer (Western Union / GT Bank Money Transfer / MPESSA / TIGO Cash)Other

    Upload Proof of Payment Here if Applicable (File types: pdf, png,jpg and jpeg)

    Upload Proof of National ID with D.O.B. Here if Applicable - e.g. free registration / students (File types: pdf, png,jpg and jpeg)

    No refunds on cancellations from October 11, 2019